
Saturday, November 16, 2013


Oh I forgot to mention that our ISAW Fundraiser LUAU is on December 7th starting at 3pm at the Deseret Peak Arena!  A single ticket is $5 and a family ticket is $25 PLUS if you buy the tickets online you get one free raffle ticket with the single or THREE free raffle tickets with the family.  BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY!!!  Also don't forget to RSVP we need to know how many to expect for our wonderful event. 

As excitment comes so does the nerves.  I am pretty nervous to be throwing together such a massive event but regardless of the results the point is that we are doing all that we can to support these sweet babies.  Despite everything we have been able to find people to help as and support us through out this entire experience.  It has been humbling to see just how much I can and CAN NOT do on my own.  I have so many friends and family members who have gathered together to make this happen.  Just the other day I needed help getting flyers out and a handful people instantly volunteered.  After that I figured I might as well try again and asked for help rounding up a sound system.  It didn't even take ten mintues to have at least three people offering resources and volunteering to donate us one to use (Thank you Danica and LJ!).

Jake and I work almost everday of the week (and I'm working two jobs!) right now so finding time to put into this event has been hard.  However with all of your help this is turning into a fun night for everyone.  This event is going to be a success because of all your help everyone!  So give yourself a big hug and come join us as we raise awareness for this catastrophic seizure disorder and donate to finding a CURE!!!            

Monday, November 11, 2013

Infantile Spasms Awareness Fundraiser Luau

I'm so excited to announce that we are well on our way to having one of the BEST fundraisers EVER!  Well the best that I have ever put together...:)  We've received massive amounts of support.  Much more support than I ever thought we would receive.  I have some wonderful friends who have agreed to perform for us at our Luau.  They will be dancing, singing, doing an awesome knife/fire dance, and helping us cook the food!
We have gathered tons of prizes to use for the raffle and the silent auction.  We have a grand canyon tour package, a guided hunt, tons of gift certificates to salons, ice cream parlors, diners, amazon, a quilt, movie tickets plus tons tons tons more!  I'm overwhelmed by how much we have received towards this great cause.  We are still accepting donations.  It can be anything and everything.
We are putting together some super fun booths and carnival games!  We have a chocolate booth, thirty-one (right Eva?) booth, and jewelery booths.  We are going to have a gingerbread house making station.  There will be face painting (THANK YOU "TANYA'S DAUGHTER"), balloon pop, and we're crossing our fingers for a BOUNCE HOUSE!  If you'd like to volunteer to do a booth or carnival game PLEASE do not hesitate to ask!  We are still looking for more fun things to have and do at our awesome event!
Primary children's neurology center has contacted me and they have agreed to send at least one doctor to give a presentation about Infantile Spasms.  This will be a great chance for not only the community to learn but for any doctors out there who are unsure of what this is to get their questions answered.  This is a disease that is mistaken for many other different kinds of common infant illnesses.  Education and awareness is a HUGE deal.    
Along with our event being posted on several community calendars KSL news radio has graciously volunteered to promote us on all three of their major radio stations.  This is HUGE!  We will get 30 secs on each station.  I'm so excited about this and I just hope it reaches the ears of those who need help and those who want to help.
Last but not least the Children's Neurology Foundation (where we are sending our donations to) contacted me a couple weeks ago and they offered to bring us under their wing as volunteers affiliated underneath them to put together events like this all the time!  They want us to spread the word about this disease and provide as much education as possible.
 See?  So many exciting things happening right now!  This event is going to be SO MUCH FUN!  Don't miss it my friends!  We need your support.  Without you this won't work.  Come join us, support us, and help us support the research being done to find a reliable cure for Infantile Spasms.  Visit my website Infantile Spasms Awareness to learn more about our event and how you can help and contribute to it.