
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Why spitting is good

Why spitting is good!
Spitting.  Disgusting right?  Seriously.  When I worked at the hospital I remember patients coughing up boogie strained spit on my face and hair.  True story.  The patients also had MRSA, VRE, C-DIFF, ACB, and PSEUDO.  You are awesome if you know what any of those mean.
Today while we were at the park Bridger became enamored with this older boy.  The boy was shooting hoops.  Bridger is obsessed with the basketball hoops.  This boy had autism.  Bridger loved him.  They didn't talk to each other or interact at all unless Bridger tried to take the ball.  Then he was sternly told (by the boy) that it was not his ball.  Bridger didn't even care.  He just wanted to watch.  
We finally moved away from the boy to play on the playground.  Bridger climbed all the way to the top to go down the highest slide and was instead met by the boy.  The boy looked at Bridger for a minute and then spit all over his face.  This mom was ready to throttle a boy.  Bridger surprised me and spit right back in the boys face. 



Let me explain.  Bridger has only recently started responding to his name and to simple commands.  Like KISSES!!!  He is slowly waking up.  We have been working really hard to get him to mimic us.  Literally it's been months.  It is an important step for kids to learn.  He will copy me with certain things but nothing vocal.  Unless it is an Indian war cry.  That counts right?
Bridger spitting back at another person is HUGE!  It shows so much.  First he is actually mimicking someone vocally and appropriately.  Not that I like him spitting.  Second he is standing up for himself.  Maybe not appropriately but that is beside the point.  This spitting fest happened a few times with this boy.  Third he was interacting and focusing.  We eventually had to leave because the kid wouldn't leave Bridger alone.  It was getting gross.   

I can't control myself.

Seriously mom???  I understand but...SERIOUSLY?  Be happy Jake wasn't there.  I'm just saying.
That is all.

I am a happy mom:) the funny thing about all this is I tested the "spitting" on Bridger when we got home and he would NOT do it to me.  Either he is an extra good boy or an extra STUBBORN boy.  You decide:) My little guy is doing SO well and really I just wanted to brag:)