
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Vigabatrin, Mother knows best!

One of the biggest decisions I have ever made is deciding what kind of medication to put Bridger on (see Infantile Spasms-What is it? for all medication choices).  After the prednisone failed to cure Bridger of his illness the neurologist told us that we could do whatever we wanted.  They didn't know what to do.  Nice that we're paying these people thousands of dollars and they don't know what to do right?
I began doing a lot of research on Infantile Spasms after Bridger was diagnosed.  Have you ever had someone close get diagnosed with an awful disease or illness?  You'll understand when I say that the first couple of times that I went and read information on Infantile Spasms I had to close it and go cry it out.

Eventually I got pass that.

I had to figure out how to help my little boy.  I had a gut feeling that what the neurologists had chosen to do was not going to work.  My gut feelings are usually spot on.  It was hard to see the changes the medication had on him with no positive outcomes.

So I looked harder.

That's when I realized that how they were treating Bridger was not even an FDA approved method!  They chose the prednisone treatment because they thought he would be an easy fix.  I wish they had been right.  I began reading up on all the FDA approved treatments.   
Everything I read seemed to point back to Vigabatrin.  I was hesitant because it potentially came with a hefty price.  Vigabatrin has some awful side effects but the worse is the chance of losing your peripheral vision or getting blurry vision.  With no ability to cure it.  I really didn't want to chance that but it seemed to be the best option.
Try something that I really think will cure him or test him again on something a little safer that may not?  I didn't want Bridger to be a test anymore.
So when the time came that they were out of options, I had one.  I was ready and determined to treat him with the Vigabatrin whether they assisted us or not.  The neurologist asked me several times if I was sure and re-questioned me several times through out the week.

I was sure and I have yet to regret it.

Bridger has been spasm free since July 1st 2013.  It was hard at first but it has become rewarding.  Originally when he started he would only lay there and moan like a zombie.  I couldn't get him to look at me and he was incredibly confused.  My dad commented that he looked like he was stoned too.  So I had myself a stoned-zombie baby.  Awesome.  

That wasn't all either.  Not only was he a stoned-zombie he had started growing a mustache!  Which is ok because aren't mustaches an "in thing" now?  Plus it's hilarious that he can grow a mustache better than his dad.  At 5 months!  Go Bridger!
Why are mustaches cool?  I don't know.

A week after he started the Vigabatrin he suddenly seemed to wake up.  Now he is laughing, smiling, and trying to eat his hands.  Like a normal kid!  Did I mention his left hand is no longer stuck in a curled up position?  He kicks and squeals and even holds onto toys every now and then.  Sure he is still behind but I'd say we're off to a good start on the road to recovery :) I haven't seen him smile in months.    
Smiley Butt :)

Have you ever watched the movie Tangled?  There is a song that I feel really fits with this whole fiasco.  

 Mother Knows Best!


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