
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

EEG & MRI Results

In case anyone is wondering a 24hr EEG is not NEARLY as exciting as it sounds.  Fortunately for our family they let Bridger crawl around and play.  It would have been awful if they hadn't.  As you can imagine Bridger wasn't too pleased to have hundreds of little electrodes taped tightly to his head.  He pulled and tugged and got strung up in everything.

We managed to survive :)

The results came back....CLEAN.  He no longer has the hypsarrythmia, which sometimes I question because he sure acts crazy all the time!  The neurologist did mention that his right side (where the subdural was) still seemed to be SLIGHTLY slower than the left.  It was almost not noticeable but with Bridger's unique history we decided to get an MRI done sooner rather than later.  

If you ever have to get an MRI done I definitely recommend going to the Riverton location.  A little bit out of the way but worth it.  The staff is much nicer there.  Or maybe they just heard of the "psycho mom" reputation.  Either way it was a great experience.  Bridger handled everything like a champ.  He loves to clap right now and even in his groggy drunken state he clapped for himself.  He also was able to make it out of the building with the nurses badge.  In his groggy drunken state.  Slow clap for Bridger!
Plus they have cool toys!
The MRI results also came back clean.  Yay!  The neurologist explained that we all have a side that is a little bit slower than the other.  It is just better to be safe than sorry with Bridger.  He always seems to pull something crazy.  

Now we are almost done with weaning Bridger off of the Sabril.  Many people ask me if I have noticed a difference with Bridger.  Honestly not a whole lot.  He is eating better but personality and developmentally he seems to be the same.  I would like to blame the clingy whiney stage he is in right now on the Sabril wean but I'm pretty sure that is just a "normal" baby thing.  Whatever that means.  

At this point we are trying to get used to the idea of having a "normal" future with our son.  By normal I mean not a sick kid future which is what most kids future is.  So I hear.  Normal for us until recently was a sick one.  Now we have to change our idea of normal again to the other normal....if that makes sense.  It is kind of confusing. 

We are definitely always going to be on our toes.  Despite all of Bridger's progress we are still not out of the woods yet.  The hedge is thinning but the seizures could always come back or turn into something else.  At this point it is a waiting game.  Reaching the age of 2 is generally when the seizures either stop for good or come back as something else.  There are cases of older ages but I'm crossing my fingers Bridger doesn't pull another crazy.  

Aside from all the medical aspects Bridger has blossomed.  He is an all-star crawler and could be an all-star walker if he chose to.  He is a stubborn little guy.  Just like his daddy.  He will do it on his own time so again we get to wait.  He loves to chat and still has no concept of stranger danger.  He's our own special normal.  I don't know how we got this lucky but we'll take it.  Nothing seems to beat our little Bridger.  

Except maybe nap time.

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