
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Team Bridger Race: A massive SUCCESS!!!

My husband says I can be really weepy sometimes.  I'll try to keep my "weepiness" to a minimum.  Saturday's race was incredible!  Regardless of how freezing cold it was to begin with the turn out was great.  My heart is touched by how many people showed up to support Bridger in his great battle.  Bridger is a fighter and he was surrounded by fighters that day.  The course was long, the road was sometimes steep and rough, but we all made it and that my friends is a success.
What a good looking group:) What AWESOME shirts too!!!  Thanks again MISTY!!!

On the Monday before the race we had a to take Bridger up to Primary's to see the neurologist.  Bridger's seizures had been back for about a month and we had little success of stopping them.  He was even beginning to have weird seizures in his sleep.  He would space out a lot through out the day and just lay there.  Smiles?  Didn't exist.  We were feeling pretty helpless.  Our neurologist was encouraging but he felt like we may need to either hospitalize Bridger for the weekend or start him back up on a medication called phenobarbital because it seemed to help before.  We really didn't want to miss the race but we didn't want to make a bad call just because of a race either.
Ultimately we decided if the seizures didn't stop by Thursday Bridger would be hospitalized.  With that decision we went home with a massive dose of phenobarbital and overloaded Bridger on it for a day which basically put him in a "pheno-coma."  Bridger was out cold on Tuesday and Wednesday but we didn't see any seizures at all.  It seemed positive.  On Thursday Bridger woke up with the biggest and goofiest grin we had seen in months.  It was like he was saying, "Hey guys!  I'm back!"
He was and is still back!  It was like nothing ever happened.  He is talking an extra lot to make up for everything he didn't get to say for the past month and he is as "happy as a clam" as my Aunt Cora would say.  Seriously he talks a ton.  Even at 1:30am.  I think I've said this before but I will say it again:

My baby is smiling and I know that even if it goes away again it will always, ALWAYS, come back!      

Bridger is a medical mystery/miracle!  Because of that we were able to make it to the race and be surrounded by massive amounts of support.  Bridger only slept for a MILE of the race.  The rest of the time he laughed and cooed to all the cute girls.  He growled when we ran past Primary Children's (he knows what THAT place is) and was the happiest when we carried him on our shoulders.  Instead of being pushed passed the finish he wanted to be on daddy's shoulders seeing the whole world and smiling as we crossed the line.  What a great day!  What a great week!  Thank you everyone for your support.  We are very blessed.  Bridger sends his smiles to you all :)    


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