
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

SPD, Autism, and all the jazz!

Updates updates updates!  Since I have basically stopped being a blogger no one really knows what is going on with my buddy.  Guess you could say I am a MOM and BUSY.  Anyways:) 

A lot has happened with our Bridger boy.  

Early this year Bridger had his yearly review done.  Low, low, LOW scores.  It was disappointing to say the least.  Bridger seemed to have stalled in his progression.  If he did make progress it seemed to be two steps forward and three steps back.  Snail progress. Luckily Bridger always seemed to be happy and sweet no matter the situation or progress.
I knew that what we were doing was not enough.  Bridger needed MORE and I needed MORE answers.  I knew that Bridger had other problems.  I just did not know what.  I could always go through the Google god but that generally blows things out of proportion if you don't know what you are looking for. 
We got some genetic testing done on Bridger through a special program and it came back that Bridger does have a single genetic duplication.  Unfortunately the geneticists that we consulted with was unwilling to diagnose it as anything or say that it is the cause of Bridger's problems because it was only a single duplication.  We are getting a second opinion in June 2016.
I also was able to get Bridger up to the Children's with Special Health Care Needs center up by Primary Children's.  They, along with our OT therapists, diagnosed him with Sensory Processing Disorder and we are testing him for Autism in February 2016.  You could say the frustrating part about all of this is the WAIT.
Until then we have been taking Bridger to an OT and a SPT up in Salt Lake City at the student programs with the University of Utah.  They have been incredibly helpful and patient with Bridger.  He has several sensory issues and it is a struggle to work through them.  He has sensory issues in just about every single sense.  His tactile, oral, and sound sensory are probably the most prominent that we can see.  It is causing lots of problems in Bridger's world.  He deals with a lot of anxiety now and doesn't sleep much.  It is hard to see my little one struggle but it motivates me to do everything that I possibly can to help him.  We are pushing hard with therapy and fighting to get him into whatever special need programs that we can.  
A lot of people question why I fight so hard to get Bridger different diagnoses.  Unfortunately it is hard to get any kind of therapy without some sort of diagnoses.  We also can't get any extra services like Medicaid, DSPD, and or SSI unless we have actual diagnoses.  It also helps with the school system and getting him an IEP and if all else fails at least a 504 plan.  There are lots of incredible programs out there and we want to get Bridger into as many of them as possible.  Yes it is a lot but that's what he is going to need in order to figure out how to regulate himself.  We need it as well as parents.  So our journey continues:) we will do whatever it takes to help him!
On a different note! We have our little Hazel bug and Bridger LOVES his sister!  He is always smooching her and loving on her.  She doesn't always appreciate it but it makes me smile to see that they are going to be great friends.  I love my kiddos!  If anyone has any questions about Bridger's diagnoses or the programs we are going through feel free to ask:)


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